You can choose to pay for the product you want with monthly interest-free instalments on all products.
Interest Free Installment Program of
0.01 € - 200 €: 4 Installments
0.01 € - 200 €: 4 Installments
€ 200.01 - € 800: 8 Installments
€ 800.01 - € 10,000: 12 Installments
The main advantage of interest-free installment purchases is that they are interest-free! That is, they do not increase the original price of the product.
You can make interest-free purchases on products that you have decided to buy in cash, free of charge and at the same cash prices. This will increase your liquidity without any burden on your budget. Another advantage with interest-free installments, today with the financial crisis, is that you can make more purchases without being limited by your credit card limit. You will find that while your credit card limit is fixed and you can not exceed with direct purchases or cash withdrawals, interest-free installments have another limit and you can make them as long as your card has not already exceeded its normal credit line limit. This most often doubles your creditworthiness. Repayment for interest-free monthly installments purchases at can be made from 2 to 12 months. In our store the minimum charge for interest-free installment purchases is 1 euro and the maximum number of installments is 12. The interest-free installments in your monthly card account are displayed with the name of our store and with an accompanying decimal number of the form e.g. 1/8, 6/12, ... The first number means what is the installment charged to your card and the second the total interest-free installments of this specific purchase.
CAUTION!!!! Interest-free installments from the moment they are debited to your credit card are treated as part of the total debt and are charged with interest, late interest and other charges, if not paid immediately. In credit cards there is the sweet trap of the minimum payment that burdens the card account with interest even if we shop with interest-free installments. That is why anyone who really wants to not pay any interest on his credit card for the purchases he has made with interest-free installments, must put money on his credit card on the day the interest-free installments enter the account and always equal to the installments and not to pay the minimum payment on the expiration date of the account.
The cards of the banks participating in the interest-free installment plan are shown below. The debit of the cards whose numbers are not mentioned below, is done in a lump sum (without installments). does not bear any responsibility if you do not check if your credit card participates in the interest-free installment plan. Ask your card issuing bank to confirm if they support an interest-free installment plan. from Alpha Bank, thus ensuring the absolute security of your transaction. When entering your card details, the bank does not charge the amount of your order, but binds it. The charge is made at the invoicing of your order. For the additional security of electronic transactions via credit cards, these are made with the Alpha E-Commerce security system of Alpha Bank. Thus, during the credit purchase process, the customer is automatically transferred to a secure server at the Bank's service. All data transferred electronically by the customer (credit card information) to the Bank's service, as well as their transfer from the Bank to VISA, MasterCard are covered by the 128-bit SSL encryption algorithm, the most powerful encryption currently available worldwide. In this case, the card details are not stored anywhere, they are only used during its checking and debiting. So the transactions you make in our online store ( through credit cards are completely secure. does not collect or store your credit card details in any way, and for this You need to re-enter them every time you use your credit card for transactions in our online store.